Bucky ohare captain smada
Bucky ohare captain smada

There’s a lot to cram into this episode so I guess they just didn’t have the time for any of that, not that it’s an excuse. There are some loose ends created by the plot too as they never address the Toad tracking device affixed to the Righteous Indignation nor is it explained how Komplex was able to create a “Bruce” for the fake video. Hopefully it’s not indicative of what’s to come. There are some nice lighting effects with the teleportation animation and the matter transporter itself, but all in all this might be the worst looking episode so far. Some of the infiltration sequence is downright ugly as is Bruiser and Bruce’s attack on the Toads who were pestering the Righteous Indignation. It’s very jittery and looks like they were trying to save money by reducing the amount of frames they typically illustrate. In general, the animation is also exceptionally poor. There’s also the color switch on the Toad weaponry from pink to blue. It almost seems like another team at AKOM worked on it because both Jenny and Dead-Eye sport different guns than we’re used to seeing. Visually, this episode is a disappointment. Maybe Komplex will leave them there awhile. He wants to know when they can cut out this mushy stuff and go back to croaking toads taking us out on a bit of a joke.Īnd lets not forget about what happened to these three. Dead-Eye then chimes in from his guns in a defeated tone. He’s receptive to their words while remarking his mother would be so proud of Bruce, and Bucky reminds him she’d think the same of him. Back on the Righteous Indignation, everyone resumes assuring Bruiser that everything will be okay. He’s optimistic that he’ll one day have it working. He insists they taste great despite the odd color and resumes work on his own matter transporter. On the planet dubbed Baboon Heaven, Bruce is indeed fine as a little monkey brings him some more purple bananas. It does help some, and Bruiser thanks him while hoping his brother is okay. Blinky tries to cheer up the baboon with a video he was able to capture of Bruce’s goodbye to his brother. No wonder why most of the carnage is off-screen.Īboard the Righteous Indignation, a sullen Bruiser is seated beside Blinky. That’s either a head or a helmet with an eyeball left behind. How will Bruiser react to seeing his brother again? And what role will the Toads play in all of it?īruiser taking his anger out on some Storm Troopers. This show hasn’t really played up the mushy stuff, as Dead-Eye would call it, and this is a chance to do so. Still, considering this is the first time the baboon brothers will share screen time, this episode has the potential to be the most captivating one yet. This episode is basically the return of Bruce, but in an unconventional sense. Just the act of him being taken away was enough to create an attachment. He didn’t really do much in that premiere episode so it wasn’t as if I had any attachment to him. Him being taken away like that added intrigue to the character. Instead I had Bruce, and not being accustomed to seeing death in a show I held out hope he’d come back. Had I been a Transformers fan I probably would have seen the death of Optimus Prime in the Transformers movie, but for whatever reason that franchise never got its claws in me so I didn’t have that shared, traumatic, experience with many of my peers. My only experience with death had been Bambi’s mother. Prior to that event I had never seen a character die in a cartoon show. The “death” of Bruce very much caught my attention as a young viewer. Was he basically sucked into a black hole, which would kill him? Blinky remarked he had either gone off to another dimension or was indeed dead, but answers would have to wait. At the time, it was unknown what happened to him. This had been telegraphed by Bruce mentioning the thing partially existed in another dimension. Bruce’s demise was very much a cartoon one, where rather than actually die he was sucked into the photon accelerator itself. That malfunction claimed the life of chief engineer Bruce, who we would come to find out is the older brother of Bruiser who would join the crew in the next episode. Back in episode one, an attack by the Toads caused a malfunction with the proton accelerator of the Righteous Indignation. This was an episode I was waiting for as a kid, though I obviously didn’t know if it would happen or not. After several episodes that basically exist on their own, we have another episode that refers back to the events of the first one.

Bucky ohare captain smada